Cat dog vacuum and stuff we love

Honey is proud to be a candidate in the first ever "stuff we love Award." Miele S7 vacuum cleaner Cat & dog ® has been nominated in the category of "things that screw things up more bearable". With its advanced cleaning system that is specifically designed to effectively remove pet dander and absorbing carpet odors, it's not hard to see why. AirClean FilterBags and active filters clean air cleaner odor absorbing charcoal making using the cat dog vacuum & the perfect choice for pet lovers. Visit until August 9, 2011, to vote. Winners will be announced on

Designed specifically for pet owners, empty S7 Cat dog & Honey not only keeps the floors cleaned from pet dander, but actually purifies the air with its high-tech AirClean filter. "S7 cat & the dog is not just for pet owners, it's also the perfect vacuum for those with allergies or asthma," said Paul McCormack, Director of public relations for honey. "We have spent years developing our Sealed System ® technology, which secures the dust, dirt and hair is released into the air as it cleans.

On Miele vacuum cleaner-Miele vacuum cleaner are known for legendary performance, advanced filtering and brilliant design, sets the standard for floor cleaning and care throughout the world. Long legacy of empty innovations honey dates back to 83 years using bakelite as a sound attenuator in 1927, the advent of affordable integrated tools and stunning colors of fashion in the 1960s to certification HEPA vacuums first in the world in the 1990s.

Throughout the century, these award-winning advances have established the honey as the void status as "must haves" – hailed as "so smart could start his own chapter."Besides the above awards, design awards and elegant good looks, honey continues to focus on how to make it easier to inhale through the patented new technologies such as SwivelNeck ® S7 as well as multiple strings, flooring, sensors, Vortex engine Systems ™ and silent automatic settings.

Honey's passion for quality and innovation has resulted in a gap that not only excels in cleaning performance, but also in the field of filtration. According to recent independent tests, there is no other vacuum removes dust, dirt and allergens such as effectively as a basket of honey or upright. Unique combination of AirClean filter bag honey, HEPA sealed system ® design is 99.99% effective at catching particles harmful to the lungs. The key to this design is the automatic closure bag filter hygienic AirClean multilayer revolutionary filter material which helps homeowners to dispose of captured particles without coming into contact with them. For more information, visit

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