Health benefits of drinking coffee

A 16th-century reference to drinking coffee describes as a Sufi Sheikh from the Gulf of Aden used coffee, although it had been forbidden by Orthodox imam in Mecca. Coffee is the most popular mild psychoactive substance worldwide, so it's not surprising that a Sufi I would embrace it to maintain the physical energy in support of spiritual practices such as meditation, chanting, singing, dancing and whirling to attain trance States. Coffee drink soon became so popular that the bans were lifted in Islamic countries. Despite the early resistance to drinking coffee the Ethiopian Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church, Christianity, blessed the practice in 1600 when Pope Clement VIII is no longer considered a Muslim drink. Scribal monks then began to use it to improve concentration and reduce fatigue while copying manuscripts.

Although there have been attempts to prohibit the use of coffee over the past 500 years, the habit has taken hold. It turns out that, in moderation, drinking coffee is beneficial for health in several ways. So if you need to purchase or replace a coffee maker, drip coffee makers we compared side by side and Cuisinart Brew programmable automatic identified and serve as the TopTenREVIEWS Gold Award winner, KRUPS programmable coffee as the winner by TopTenREVIEWS Silver Award and the Mr. Coffee 12-Cup Programmable as the winner by TopTenREVIEWS Bronze Award.

There are research reports published enough to suggest that drinking coffee reduces the risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease at onset of old age. And according to studies at the Harvard School of Public Health, men and women who drink coffee have low incidence of gallbladder disease and gallstones. The Journal of the American Medical Association published a study describing how coffee drinkers are less likely to develop Parkinson's disease. Other respected medical literature shows that drinking coffee increases in short term memory recall, reduces the possibility of cirrhosis of the liver and reduces the risk of various cancers (breast, esophageal, pharyngeal, and prostate). The literature also shows that coffee drinkers are less likely to die of heart disease and are less prone to gout and dental caries.

However, drinking coffee is also associated with an equally impressive list of risks. In the interest of full disclosure, the downside for the health benefits of drinking coffee goes beyond the inconvenience of stained teeth, nervous, nervousness, insomnia and irritability. The Baylor College of Medicine conducted a study with results that connect coffee use at the highest levels of cholesterol, particularly LDL (low-density lipoprotein). And according to a study conducted in Denmark, pregnant women who are heavy users of coffee (four to seven cups a day) are at higher risk than average of stillbirths. Coffee also causes iron deficiency anemia in mothers and infants. People with gastrointestinal problems should not drink coffee because it can cause gastritis and aggravate ulcers.

Armed with these search results for situations where drinking coffee is not suitable, you can decide for yourself whether or not it's healthy for you. Even Voltaire 40-cup-a-day habit, observed by other writers of the seventeenth century at Le Procope (the first Café in Paris), it doesn't seem to hurt him: "I have been drinking coffee for over 50 years. That is poison, I am convinced, but ill effects have yet to have any effect on my health. " Benjamin Franklin also attended Le Procope and composed this ode to coffee: "among the many luxuries of the table ... coffee can be considered as one of the most valuable. Excites cheerfulness without intoxication; the pleasant flow of spirits which it occasions ... and has never followed by sadness, languor or debility. "

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